15th Anniversary Celebration

Dragon and Lion Dance – Kung Fu Master Mr. Chung & Mr. Tseng
Mike Lin, Joe Chow, Andrew Liberman, Allen Chen, Steve Ho, Wagner Chiang, Dennis Kanemitsu, Kam Wong, Rudy Juang, Jasson Chen, Charles Tan, Michael Pan, Richard Tang, Greg Yu, Theo Kwan, Anthony Chen, Larry Ku, Dr. Lin, Jerry Chin, Mark Lipkin, Simon Lau & Peter Yu

祥龍舞獅慶獻瑞-鍾永寄師父 & 曾文焯師父




Appreciation Plaques Presentation
Linlee Family Foundation/ Charles Davidson Family Foundation
John Vidovich Foudation/ Lily Lin Foundation
Jackson Yang F. F./ Dr.Ray & Shirley Chen/ Sing Tao Daily
Tyson & Sharon Chiu/Supermicro/Yvonne Mei/ Li-Min Hu/
Sharon & Paul Chiu/ Hsing Family F. / WDG F.F
Tao & Zen Society/ Joy Holiday/ Dennis & Letty Kanemitsu
Julia Tung/ June Low/ Lily Chou/ Julia Cheng,


主持開場: 大會司儀:周濼, 林勵雯







Raffle tickets 幸運大抽奬

LinLee foundation 基金會捐贈四個弱勢團體!

To Whom It May Concern:

On behalf of the California Line Dance Association of America (CLDAA) and our upcoming 15th anniversary celebration, I’d like to cordially invite you to take part in the CLDAA 15th Annual Gala. As a sponsor, benefits will go to CLDAA’s Line Dance Program which serves the community. The gala will be held on Saturday, April 20, 2019 6:30PM – 11:30PM at Santa Clara Convention Center

The CLDAA is a 501C-3 non-profit organization. Our mission is “through the art of line dancing, CLDAA is promoting exercise, health and enjoyment for people of all ages.” CLDAA board members, whom are all dance instructors and avid students, serve the community with passion through action. CLDAA serves 220,000 people per year through 20 classes per week in the Bay Area. In addition, in 2019 to commemorate our 15-year anniversary, CLDAA plans to help raise funds for a variety of other worthwhile organizations including Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford, STUF Foundation, New Hope Chinese Cancer Care Foundation, and Friends of Children with Special Needs (FCSN). Your participation would be greatly welcomed as it would signify your support for the extended CLDAA community.

The enclosed sponsorship information outlines the levels of contribution available and the benefits you will receive. Your generosity is paramount for the success of this celebration. Should you have any questions, please contact Chi Chi Lin at support@cldaa.org or (214) 908-6248.

For CLDAA students, please join our line dance marathon beginning from 2:00PM to 5:00PM
“Dance for Health, Dance for Happiness and Dance for a Colorful Life.”

Sincerely yours,

Kico Lin Founder/ President of CLDAA/General Coach/Development Officer


2019 CLDAA Sponsorship Letter

CLDAA_Sponsorship_Opportunities-15th anniv

Chinese Invitation 15th CLDAA

美國加州排舞協會謹訂於2019年4月20日(星期六)晚上6:30 在 Santa Clara Convention Center 隆重舉行, 該協會成立十五週年慶祝大會, 本會誠摰地邀請閣下參加此一盛會,

美國加州排舞協會係以灣區矽谷為據點的一個非營利機構, 透過排舞運動的提倡與普及, 在短短十五年之間從當初六位創始會員,擴增到現在遍佈灣區各地,每週20個教習據點,
服務兩千多位會員,是當今舊金山灣區極為成功的社團。會員包含各年齡層, 一年的參加練舞達到200,000人次,排舞是老少咸宜的全民運動,對於會員們身心靈的健康有極大助益。排舞協會這十五年來,達成奉獻社區的使命和任務,成績輝煌,多次受聖荷西市議會和聖他克拉拉縣議會的表揚,是灣區華人社團中極受矚目的一個團體。

慶祝大會有精彩的表演節目, 豐富的摸彩, 現場樂隊演奏,寛敞會場盡情跳舞歡樂。
本會也懇請閣下能惠予贊助 , 閣下的義舉當感激不盡。
April 20th, 2019 (Saturday) At 6:30PM
Santa Clara Convention Center-
5001 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, Ca 95054



林貴香 創辦人 敬上

Link to CLDAA_Line_Dance_Marathon