Dear coaches:

This is an email I shared with my line dance classmates. I am sharing with you in case you are one of our friends who do not understand Taiwanese dialect.

My Dear Classmates:

The music of this month’s dance 歡喜就好 was sung in the background with Taiwanese dialect which many classmates may not understand. The context actually is very inspiring that advises us some valuable attitudes for having a good life. I explain its meaning below for your enjoyment.

排舞日記(04/30/2014):ChiHsian Chung

穿著老婆在 UNIQLO 給他買的鮮豔貼身,一件不到八塊 Sweat Shirt ,老頭有點不好意思的低頭走進排舞課教室,去學本週新舞”歡喜就好”。

明明是個瘦老頭,沒想到女同學們紛紛湊趨,前來稱讚拍手!說什麼:看起來年輕啦,身材好啦,肌肉男啦… 教練還問,是不是回台灣做了”醫美”?
其實自己有幾斤重,老頭心知肚明,可是人家稱讚,就算謊言,聽來也悅耳。 排舞同班同學真好,懂得給老頭信心。人生就是這様,過日子有些時候真的要”歡喜就好”,不要太在乎這個,在乎那個的。就像本週排舞”歡喜就好”的歌詞勸我們….

《歡喜就好》 台語歌詞:(國語解釋)


有時仔清醒,有時青菜。(過日子 有時要清醒,有時要糊塗。)

有人講好,一定有人講歹。(人事物 有人說好,一定有人說壞。)


歸工嫌車無夠叭,嫌厝無夠大。(老婆 整天嫌車子不夠炫,嫌房子不夠大。)

嫌菜煮了無好吃,嫌某尚歹看。(老公 嫌菜做得不好吃,嫌老婆外表不夠看。)

駛到好車驚人偷,大厝歹拼掃。( 其實 開了好車怕人偷,住了大房難打掃。)


人生短短,好親像塊七逃。(所以 人生短短,就像是一場戲在玩。)


問我到底腹內,有啥法寶。(您 問我到底肚子裡,有什麼好法寶?)


here is a video link that has the 台語 singing but with direct 國語翻譯字幕 that I received from our classmate Sheng-wei Li .

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Warm Regard, ChiHsian Chung